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Contextual installation in broken glass made for the group exhibition Chronicles of the Future Superheroes showed at the Kunsthalle Bega by the curator Anca Vérone Mihuleţ, with Hyunjin Bek, Adriana Chiruta, Heecheon Kim, Fabio Lattanzi Antinori, Lawrence Lek, Dalibor Martinis, Adina Mocanu, Maria Pop Timaru, Larisa Sitar, Dimitar Solakov, Stardust Architects. 

The exhibition Chronicles of the Future Superheroes is based on the book by the American inventor Ray Kurzweil, Danielle: Chronicles of a Superheroine, which follows the efforts of a young woman to solve the great global problems with the help of knowledge and technology. Written from a dual perspective, that of a futuristic thinker and that of a woman in the making, Danielle: Chronicles of a Superheroine is a textbook that helps us position ourselves in the face of things to come and for which we must be prepared, from migration to global warming, from various forms of economic competitiveness to emotional transformation and the ability to share.

“The twelve artists selected to enter the conversation with Danielle start from the interest in exploring the unknown or from the idea of play(fulness), aiming to extrapolate personal experiences in relation to the future. The positions presented in the exhibition are the result of hybrid practices, at the border between visuality, architecture, choreography, engineering and performance. Equally, the exhibition outlines the idea of a meta-community located outside of global dystopia, at a point where geographical regions (Southeast Asia and Southeast Europe) and digital channels intersect, sometimes creating chaos and in other circumstances, a stability as contagious as it is oppressive.

The Chronicles of the Future Superheroes, a project conceived over the past two years, works as a device that aims to analyze the function of art in relation to a young audience that is looking for answers to questions about the passage of time and aging, the future of the planet, the relationship with the paranormal or the balance between local and global. The program of performances and workshops is focused on the relationship between the individual and the community, the architecture of the exhibition space coming to support this working formula”.

Anca Vérone Mihuleţ

Kunsthalle Bega is an exhibitional space where contemporary art is exhibited and discussed, especially dedicated to young artists from Romania and the world. Every year, Kunsthalle Bega offers an award – Bega Art Prize – to a Romanian curator who has managed to change the rules of curatorial perception. Kunsthalle Bega team: Alina Cristescu, Liviana Dan, Andreea Drăghicescu , Ugron Lajos, Bogdan Rața.

Courtesy of the artist and Kunsthalle Bega, in the exhibition Chronicles of the Future Superheroes, curator Anca Mihuleț @ Kunsthalle Bega. Photo Courtesy of Kunsthalle Bega, Vlad Cîndea.
Kunsthalle Bega, Timișoara, Romania
Wood, broken windshields, nails, screws, painting
Realisation time:
200 hours
02/10/2021 - 20/03/2022