Nouvelle affaire
Creation of a single area "Nouvelle Affaire" - Pascal Humbert & Catherine Ansel - in the ground floor of the Villa Noailles for the Hyères International Festival of Fashion, Photography and Fashion Accessories 2014. Définition of multi-usage space: acceptance, public informations, light womens performances of Marianne Maric, fashion sales.
Contextual installation, Villa Noailles entrance, 83400 Hyères
Contextual installation, Villa Noailles entrance, 83400 Hyères
Pink materials Nouvelle Affaire, métal, néons, wood
Pink materials Nouvelle Affaire, métal, néons, wood
Lengt 20m; width 4m; height 3,03m
light installation 17m, 0,95m from the basis and 0,05m on the top
Lengt 20m; width 4m; height 3,03m
light installation 17m, 0,95m from the basis and 0,05m on the top
Realisation time:
203 hours
203 hours
25/04 - 28/04/2014
25/04 - 28/04/2014