Baptiste Debombourg
In motion - Espoo, Finlande
Radical Nature - Quebec, Canada
Dark Tide - Quebec, Canada
True Pretense - 4 Rte de Villegenon, 18260 Thou
Amplifier - Örebro, Sweden
Untitled - Kunsthalle Bega, Timișoara, Roumanie
Taurines - Château de Taurines, 12120 Centres
Rheology - La MECA, Bordeaux
Jardins fantômes - Bassin du Roy, le Havre
Acceleration field - maison rouge, Antoine de Galbert Foundation, Paris
Dark Matter - la Chaufferie, Hear Gallery, Strasbourg, France
Stellar - Place du Bouffay, Nantes
Distortion - Kunsthalle Osnabrück, Germany
The ATD Fourth World House in Rennes
Ultra - Krupic Kersting Gallery - KUK
Broken glass - Krupic Kersting Gallery, Cologne, Germany
(R)evolve - Eduardo Secci Gallery, Florence, Italie
Nouvelle affaire - Villa Noailles, Hyères
Cristal Doodle - Studio Baptiste Debombourg
Tu m'existes - Baleapop #5, Saint-Jean-de-Luz, France
Césium - Saint James Cavalier, Valetta, Malta
Stalker - Maison Martin Margiela, Miami, USA
Vandalism - Patricia Dorfmann Gallery, Paris
Aggravure - Karlin Studio, Futura, Prague, Czech republic
Flow - Art Center l'oeil de poisson, Québec, Canada
Marx - Mudac, Lausanne, Swiss
Apollo - Florence Léonie Gallery, Paris
Aerial - Brauweiler Abbey, Pulheim, Germany
Justice & Prudence - le Lieu, Art Center, Québec, Canada
Inception - Interface, Dijon
Crystal Palace - le Pré-Saint-Gervais, 93
Rangers - Mas Nou, Las illas, Pyrénées-Orientales, 66
Marcel Duchamp Prize 2100 - Paris
Turbo - Patricia Dorfmann Gallery, Paris
MASSACRE INNOCENT - Patricia Dorfmann Gallery, Paris
Untitled with plastic bucket - Patricia Dorfmann Gallery, Paris
Social philosophy - Patricia Dorfmann Gallery, Paris
Tradition of Excellence - Duplex 10m2, Sarajevo, Bosnie Herzégovine
Volte-Face - Art Center Duplex 10m2, Sarajevo, Bosnie Herzégovine
La Redoute - Mario Prassinos Foundation, Saint–Rémy de Provence
Rebel without a cause - Luc Queyrel Gallery, Paris
Articles codes - the Store, Paris
T.C.S. - Amilly (45)
Burnout - Art Center CCC, Tours
Triumphal arch - École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Art of Paris
Polybric - Passage de Retz, Paris
Alléluia - Bon Pasteur Church, Lyon
Polymerisation - Lyon